Friday, January 01, 2010

Welcome to a New Year

Remember When You Thought These Guys Would be Around Forever?
(Image Credits: Universal Television)

Suffice to say, 2009 was probably the roughest year the automotive industry has seen since the gas crisis years of the early 1980s. If FY 2009 for the automotive industry was a TV series it would be Miami Vice's 5th and final season: formulaic episodes, bad makeup, and plotlines that left you thinking how could it possibly get any worse, and then it did. What made it so bad is that we remember when things were so good, when GM and Ford were the Crockett and Tubbs of the automotive world. Both managed to scrape and claw into the next decade; GM only with some serious fleecing generosity of the American people. 
So, as we flip the clock over into 2010, we at Fuel Interjected would like to say thanks to you, our imaginary readers for sticking with us. It's a rough time to be car bloggers, but it's a great time to be graduate students (depending on how you look at it). 2010 promises to be a big year for us here at FI; we'll be rolling out a new look sometime in the first quarter. Expect more frequent posts outside of exam and heavy work times. We're poised on the cusp of the future of personal transportation and we want to be there telling you what we think.

Happy New Year.

- W

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